Troyes, France – a gallery
A city with so many sides
This is a collection of shots from our Champagne tour of 2016. One of the bases we chose for this trip was Troyes, this was not our first stay at this beautiful city, but all the shots in this galley are from this journey.
So why a city with many faces? Well it you don't have to look too far for the wonderful timber framed houses that are typical of this town, but as you wander around the town you'll come across wonderful pieces of Art Noveaux design, such as the 'Au Vieux Chêne' along with other masterpieces such as the Hotel de Ville de Troyes.
There's more though, the water ways, the river Seine that slices through Paris, also runs through Troyes. Le Triffoire flows into the Canal du Trévois, another vital passage in the city's history.
However Troyes doesn't rest on the past, and it has a modern heart, newly created works of art have appeared over the years we have visited the city. For more on our stay, check out Janis's post ' Troyes, a heart in the Champagne region'
So this is my collection of images that I couldn't shoehorn into that post, and I wanted to share.
The technical bits
Those who have checked out my other galleries will know I am a fan of tone-mapping. That is taking all the information present in the image and creating a stylised version as part of my post processing. Historically I have done this with Photomatix by HDR Soft. However for this gallery I integrated the Nic Collection by Google into my workflow (Adobe Lightroom to Photoshop).
All of the images were shot on my Canon EOS 1Dx MkII. I love this camera for travel photography as it now incorporates GPS tagging. This allows me to easily confirm the location of a shot.
Up front I am using the Canon EF 24-70mm F/2.8L series lens.
If a particular shot interests you or want to know more about my workflow just let me know.
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A helpful guide
If like us, you love visiting different regions of France then this Michelin guide will definitely assist in your planning.
We used a previous version of this book to plan our eastern France road trips, now you can grab the revised copy.
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