Our Story
Hello everyone and a big thanks for taking the time out to visit our travel blog.
We are Janis & Gary, a couple from the UK and created this website, OurWorldforYou.com, to share our enjoyment of travelling the world.
We just didn’t want to keep it to ourselves, the world is here to be discovered.
Since 1995 our travelling has been limited to our annual leave, but that hasn't stopped us from visiting some amazing places & at times benefiting from members of our family based at some exciting locations around the world.
In 2010 we started a personal blog for our family & friends to follow our adventures, now we want to share this with a wider audience.
Seville was where this new chapter in our lives was conceived.
One mid November afternoon we were sitting in a little tapas bar having our last cheeky sherry before returning home.
We had thought what if.....

Was it the drink?
What if we turned our personal blog into something else.
So we took the plunge and gave up our city jobs to pursue our craving for travel & photography. Living life, seeing the world, and we want to share that with you.
The Road Trips
We love our road trips, we'll share our routes, the inspiration behind them, and any pitfalls we encountered along the way.
To date we have visited 14 US States, which means we have a large part of the big American Pie still to see. We have also enjoyed 2 of Canda's fine provinces; Ontario & Quebec
In Europe we have explored France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Germany and The Netherlands to name but a few. From frozen glaciers of Iceland to the southern tip of mainland Europe, with Africa in clear site.
We have embarked on African self-drive safaris and crossed Costa Rica, all as part of our annual leave.

An elephant crossing sign in Namibia.
We have found that taking to the open road has introduced us to some interesting people & fantastic memories.
Although at times we have set ourselves challenges these have always been achievable within 2 to 3 weeks.

The view from Hvalnes Lighthouse, Iceland
As we explore the world we will focus on what's possible and help you plan it.
The Mini-Breaks
However one trip, no matter how exciting, was not enough in a year, so we whisked ourselves off on a mini-break whenever we could.
The chance to visit a city, immerse you self in its rich culture, indulge in the local cuisine & taste its signature beverages.
Although we are all unique we hope you'll enjoy our escapades and find interest in our discoveries.

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood Moyka River
St Petersburg
And finally
We are independent travellers and we hope that whilst reading some of our stories this will inspire others to venture out and try something a little different.
Although our linguistic skills are limited, a warm smile and a few key local phrases are always appreciated.
So welcome, bienvenue, willkommen, huānyíng, bine ati venit, dobro pozhalovat, bienvenido, vítejte, benvenuto, Καλωσόρισμα, witamy, bem vinda, yōkoso, svaagat he or plain old g'day.
We really hope you enjoy journeying our website as much as we enjoy bringing our discoveries.