The G.H. Mumm windmill sits atop a hill covered in grape vines in the sleepy french town of Verzenay in the champagne region of france

What inspired us to visit Champagne, France

In En-Route, Europe, France, Inspiration, Our Journeys, Trip-Types, World Travel by JanisLeave a Comment

Actually, it’s not all about the fizzy stuff (just a little bit).

The G.H. Mumm Windmill overlooking the vineyards in Verzenay, France.

We have passed Reims, the unofficial capital of the Champagne Region, many times on our trips through France. The problem it is it’s a little too near Calais. At just 170 miles/ 274 km okay for a late lunch, but normally we are pushing to head south so we breeze past it.

However, we had to put that right. So this year, for our first road trip of the calendar, Champagne it would be. We wanted to spread the trip over the week, so we choose more than one destination.

A helpful guide

If like us, you love visiting different regions of France then this Michelin guide will definitely assist in your planning.

We used a previous version of this book to plan our eastern France road trips, now you can grab the revised copy.

Here are the reasons we chose the Champagne region of France.

- Destinations: We decided on Troyes, Châlons-en-Champagne & Reims.

Amazing Buildings, Troyes, Champagne, Grand Est, France
Notre-Dame-en-Vaux at night, Châlons-en-Champagne, France
The Catherdral, Reims, Champagne Region, France

- Location: Living in the Southeast of the UK it makes it easy for us to hop over to Europe, so after a 35-minute Shuttle journey, we are in Calais. From Calais to Troyes, our first destination in the Champagne region of France, only takes about 3 ½ hours (246 miles/396 km) direct, so very do-able.

- Weather: Not really predictable in this region, but hopefully some sun and around 20 degrees (fingers crossed).

- Architecture: We have visited Troyes before and the wonderful leaning timbered framed buildings are always pleasure to see.

We have read that Reims has an Art Deco influence and a wonderful cathedral, so these are a must for us.

- Countryside: On previous trip to Burgundy in France, we drove all around the sweeping vineyards, if Champagne region is anything like that we are in for a treat.

- Drink: Errrrrr let me think…..actually the wine in this region is also lovely, not just the bubbles.

Deep inside the chalk, Reims, Champagne Region, France

- Food: I think I’m fairly adventurous in terms of food, but Gary usually gives anything a go. He has promised to try the speciality of this region. The ‘andouillette sausage’ the main ingredient is tripe I believe, that says it all as far as I am concerned.

We enjoy visiting the Les Halles (fresh food markets) in France, so hopefully we can fit it in.

- Travel Type: It has to be a Road Trip for this area, driving in and around the rolling vineyards is essential. If you are flying in try and hire a car, you won’t be disappointed.

- Other ideas: We have read that there is a night market in Troyes whilst we are there, so we are looking forward to experiencing that.

Also whilst on our road trip to Reims from Chalon-en-Champagne, there is a British WW1 cemetery in Marfaux that we will make a detour to visit.

So with the voiture all prep’d lets hit the road…

Have You

Taken a road trip through the Champagne region of France? Followed the route through the peaceful little villages? What was your hightlight?

Inspired to visit the Champagne region of France?

Why not start at Troyes and head north as we did?

Check out the latest deals on Booking.Com?

What inspired us to visit Champagne, France

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