Our Copenhagen gallery
Two weekends in Denmark's capital
Our trip to Copenhagen was another opportunity that arose from a business assignment in 2006. Janis was in the process of managing the installation of a software solution from a Danish firm at her Japanese fund-managers. This resulted in a 3 week training session in Denmark's capital. An opportunity not to be missed. During that timeI joined Janis for the two weekends in the centre and these are shots I captured.
Whilst researching the details of these images taken some 10 years ago it is amazing how much can change in a small period of time. Statues have moved (where's the Lion outside the Tøjhus Museum?) and the spire above the Christiansborg Palace has changed. However that is so true of travel, how many times have you arrived at a location to find star attractions under scaffolding?
Anyway enough of that.
The technical bits
All shots were captured over two consecutive weekends in 2006 on a Canon EOS-1D Mark II N. In the kit bag for this trip was the 100-400mm (used to get close to the Little Mermaid), the 24-70mm and for the close up architectural shots the 16-35mm.
As always all the shots were captured in RAW format, and loaded into Adobe Lightroom. Some images have been given the Photomatix treatment to varying degrees. Others have just been through Photophop for final post production.
If a particular shot interests you or want to know more about my workflow just let me know.
Inspired to visit Copenhagen?
You've got to visit 'The Little Mermaid', and don't forget to check out Tivoli befre heading down to Nyhavn for some refreshments.
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