Cheetah Feeding & Game Drive, Namibia
Be careful of your fingers.
Before we witnessed the cheetah feeding, we embarked upon a late afternoon game drive.

On entering the reserve, it wasn’t long before we saw a stunning kudu standing proudly with its amazing twisted horns. The kudu is Namibia’s largest antelope, and unfortunately one of its predators are humans.
On the morning game drive, we had observed a male ostrich, this afternoon we lucky enough to see a female, laying on a different batch of eggs.

Driving over the lovely red dunes, we dropped down onto the desert pan and came across a small herd of wildebeest, minding their own business and a couple of little antelope.
We continued driving onwards hoping & wondering what could be around the next bush. And then lo and behold a giraffe, our first one of this three-week adventure.
When you see these stunning creatures in their natural habitat, it is such a pleasing site.
We were on our way back to the lodge as it was now time for cheetah feeding when our guide spotted a mongoose.
We had a quick stop, but we couldn’t hang around, the cheetahs would be getting impatient.
Why not?
Start creating your own adventure, and discover the amazing scenery & African wildlife of Namibia for yourself.
We chose British Airways, and it was all done with a few clicks, a brief stopover in Johannesburg, and our luggage was there for our arrival in Windhoek.
Back at the lodge it was supper time
However, not for us humans.
Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch works in association with the CCF (Cheetah Conservation Fund), and they are the custodians of three orphan male cheetahs which are unable to fend for themselves in the wild.
The cheetahs are kept in a 12-hectare enclosure. Therefore you jump into an open back safari truck and drive into the pen.
One of the cheetahs basks in the evening sun upon a red sand dune, while the others stalk around us at a safe distance away, the cameras go berserk.
The cheetahs pose for these photos, knowing that soon a shoulder of springbok will be coming their way.
A helpful guide
If you're considering a road trip through Namibia, then your in for a holiday of a lifetime. I always find it incredibly useful to plan our trips with the help of a guide book.
Take a look at this informative Bradt guide, it will give you great tips and advice.
The meat is not just handed to the cheetahs; they have to work a bit for it. So one of the handlers will drive his truck the full length of the enclosure, and he entices the cheetahs to follow.
Our safari trucks are part of the way up the enclosure, so when the cheetahs build up speed they run passed us, and the shoulder of Springbok is thrown at them.
There are three pieces of meat as we wouldn’t want them fighting.
They take their easily gotten gains to a quiet part of the pen and start dinner.
Now the bit that surprised us was that you now go and track down a cheetah, enjoying his meal, and you are invited to leave the safety of the truck, and watch the cheetah finishing up.
Everyone looks at each other not believing that we should climb out.
Most of us do, and we stand about 12 feet away from the beast, as it bites into the bone. It is just amazing watching these creatures.
Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch
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