Birds, Bats & Monkeys of Costa Rica
Our Birds, Bats & Monkeys gallery
The wildlife in Costa Rica is so spectacular. I couldn’t resist adding another post with of our favourite shots of Birds, Bats & Monkeys. This is our second Costa Rican wildlife gallery post. You’ll also see some other shots in our Reptiles & Sloths post and also our Flora in Costa Rica article.
These images are collated from each of our main destinations on the ‘Sloths & Mojitos – The Costa Rica road trip‘ and each is captioned. It has been a challenge, some 9 years after the visit, to pull together the details. However it has been enjoyable as it reminds me of a great 2 weeks travels.
This is one of the destinations I would really love to revisit. It will also give me a chance to catch up with some of my Tico friends. I would also like to see how the country has developed and if there’s been any improvement to the traffic situation in downtown San José.
Technical bits
All of the shots were taken on a Canon EOS-1D Mark II N. The lens of choice was the EF100-400mm lens.
I use Adobe Lightroom to catalogue the images, before being processed in Adobe Photoshop.
One point of note is the humidity in Tortuguero was exceptionally challenging. Therefore if you have any of those sachets of silica gels worth making sure there are a few in your kit bag. if you can keep your camera bag from getting too damp, that would be an advantage. Everything took an age to dry out due to the high humidity.
If a particular shot interests you and you want to know the settings, just shout.
Have You?
Visited Costa Rica? Been amazed by it's wildlife? What's you best memory of this vibrant country?
Inspired to visit Costa Rica?
Would you like to see it's amazing wildlife in their natural habitat?
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