All things Mappy

In Life by JanisLeave a Comment

Maps, globes and atlases …

I have just come to the conclusion while jotting down some ideas for this post that I am actually a bit obsessed with anything to do with a map, particularly the map of the world.

I currently have two globes at home, and you would think that just one is enough for any person.

I also used to have one on my desk when I worked for a Japanese Bank in London and found myself at times staring at it wondering where to go to next in the world.

Our globe
The desk globe

I left that one in the office so that someone else can start planning their dream escape.
Not satisfied with keeping this fixation to myself I have inflicted it on others, and I think they have just all been too polite to tell me to ‘let it go’.

I have bought a globe for my parents, my brother and one of my nephews. The other is too young, so I got him a floor jigsaw puzzle of the world.

There is just something about a globe that is so tactile and fascinating.

But it isn’t just a globe

Thinking back to my childhood, I remember my parents moving into an old Victorian house on the Isle of Wight. We cleared out the loft, and there was an old map folded up which looked like it came from an old board game.

Looking back now I remember that I often kept looking at it as the years went by. I have never been one for throwing things out, and do you know I think I still have it to this day.

Then there’s the atlas

Once again, I remember having one as a child and then progressed to an adult edition. But now I found myself with 3 or 4, all different sizes from a ‘large pocket’ size to one that the British Library would be proud of.

Janis studying the 'Big' atlas
The big one and the little one

What is it with me?

Not to be content with filling up my shelves, I have also progressed to my walls. About ten years ago, I came across the artist Justine Smith. Justine has produced some fascinating maps for different parts of the world, most of which have been fashioned by using the bank notes from the country which she was mapping.

The world currency collage

I couldn’t resist it; I fell in love her World Money Map. This was to be limited to 100 signed copies, so with some gentle persuasion, I convinced Gary to shoehorn a 136cm x 86cm framed print into the back of our small hatchback.

Scratch map

Now waiting to be framed is our world ‘scratch map’, I bought it for Gary as a Christmas present. Surely, he is under no illusion that it was for me really.

The Scratch Map

Staring out to sea

While we were in Namibia, we crossed the Tropic of Capricorn south and then again north, which is something you don’t often get the chance to do.

But what fascinated me while in this lovely country was how far south we were in the world. We stared out to sea from the Skeleton coast at Swakopmund, to wonder where our eyes would lead us to. We weren’t too sure, but when we checked out a map, we were parallel with southern Brazil, amazing.

Now getting back to that globe

I have since come across the ultimate Globe makers in London, Bellerby and Co. I saw a short documentary about them a few years ago, and the love and dedication that they apply to their craft are amazing.

I found the clip on YouTube.

These guys make their globes for the rich and famous; I think I will stick to my trusty companions that I have cared for over the years.

Travel books, mags and more

It now seems that in my more recent years that this fascination, has now also transferred to travel books and magazines.

I don’t even want to let on to you how many I have of these, needless to say, more bookshelves are required.

Some of the Lonely Planet magazines
Lonely Planet guide books

And of course I need to store all my travel souvenir tickets & business cards somewhere.

The Mappy storage box

Locked in overnight

Now if there were any shop I wouldn’t mind being locked into overnight, it has to be Stanfords in Covent Garden. The World’s biggest map and travel bookstore, oh and they stock globes.

For over 160 years, explorers, travellers and adventurers have looked to Stanfords to get them where they need to go, and back again.

Edward Stanford set up as a map seller in 1853, he started off on the Strand and then opened a map shop on Cockspur Street, but before long he had to expand, ultimately moving to Covent Garden on Long Acre, where they have been since 1901.

If you are like me and love a map or travel book, go and give them a visit, you’ll be lost for hours.

Have You?

A travel obsession you can share with us? Do you collect something from your travels?

Inspired by Maps?

Does the a map tempt you? are you one to stick a pin in and see where fate takes you?

All things Mappy

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  1. My siblings and I used to spin the globe to see where we would ‘land’, maybe that’s where my love of travel came from. I would love to purchase a large map for display in our home, and am even considering stenciling one on my son’s bedroom wall. I guess you’re not alone in your love of all things Map! #farawayfiles

    1. It’s amazing how young we are when the travel bug kicks in, we are just naturally drawn to these things.My wall Money Map was a bit of an indulgence, but I just couldn’t resist it.

  2. Honestly, I sometimes think that I enjoy poring over maps more than I actually enjoy travelling… And I didn’t know about that bookstore: I am not in London very often, but I am absolutely checking that out the next time I’m there. Thanks for the tip! #FarawayFiles

    1. If you love anything map or travel related, you’ll really enjoy Stanfords. Hours will disappear ??

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