Passers by admire the work of chocolatiers in the Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert arcade in Brussels

Brussels – Our gallery

In Belgium, Europe, Galleries, Mini Breaks, Our Journeys, Photography, Trip-Types, World Travel by GaryLeave a Comment

A view of Brussels

Brussels is a short hop by Eurostar from the UK, easy to fly to, and around a couple of hours from Calais by car. One of the powerhouses of European politics with a rich history.   Definitely a place to see then.

Rich architecture, splendid beers and possible some of the world's finest chocolates. That seems like three perfectly good reasons to visit Brussels. Once you are here you will realise there are plenty more too. You just need to check out our Inspirations post for ours.

The city is tri-lingual.  The official language is French, but Flemish & English are widely spoke.

A collections of shots from March 2012.

The technical bits

The camera used was my my trusty Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III.   Two lenses were in the kit bag for this trip, specifically the EF16-35mm & EF24-70mm L series lenses.

All of the shots we captured in camera raw and imported into Adobe's Lightroom.  A number of the images were tone-mapped using HDRSoft's Photomatix to increase the impact.  The final clean-up of the images was performed in Adobe Photoshop, specifically dust removal and a final sharpening of the images.

As always, if a particular shot interests you or want to know more about my workflow just let me know.

Have You?

Visited Brussels and enjoyed it's culture? Did you visit the headquarters of the Europen Union? Or did you just enjoy the Beer & Chocolates?

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Brussels – Our gallery

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