A visit to Margate in Kent, England
“Dowwwwwn to Margate” – sung in my best cockney accent
A visit to the Market Town of Dorking in Surrey, England
Antiques, Cockerels and a Thespian all in the lush Surrey Hills
A visit to Deal in Kent, England
A quaint seaside town yet to be discovered
A day out at Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, England
Codebreaking in the English countryside
Our stay at The White Horse in Dorking, England
Including dining at The Dozen
The Historic Dockyard Chatham, Kent, England
Rigging, ropes and a movie set
Hever Castle, Kent, England
Discover the Childhood home of Anne Boleyn
A visit to the British Motor Museum
A day out to remember a proud heritage