by Janis / 2 comments - Orginally published:9th October 2017

A unique microclimate of waterfalls, lakes, and caves

And so, our Croatian road trip begins. On our first full day in Croatia and we have chosen to start at the UNESCO Plitvice Lakes National Park. If the magnificent scenery at Plitvice was a taster for the rest of our Croatian adventure, this road trip was going to be amazing.

Take a look at our itinerary for our Croatian road trip.

For our accommodation at Plitvice, we chose to stay for a couple of nights at the Grand Lakes Rooms in Jezerce, just 4.5 miles (7km) from the Plitvice Lakes National Park’s main entrance, which was perfect. We always try to have a chat with the locals for some insider knowledge, and Lily, our host, gave us some great tips and advice while visiting Plitvice Lakes.

These handy hints made our experience a lot smoother; read on for invaluable guidance.

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Where is Plitvice Lakes?

How to get to Plitvice Lakes

- By Air
The three biggest airports in Croatia are Zagreb, Dubrovnik & Split.

Don't forget you can always use to check out your flight options too. Why not give it a try.  Then pick up your Rental Car and start exploring Croatia

- By Car
If you’re heading from the UK by car, jump on Le Shuttle and venture off to Croatia under your own steam. Check out our Road Trip checklist for handy advice.

Entering Plitvice Lakes

Do you choose entrance 1 or 2?
When you arrive at Plitvice Lakes National Park, there are two entrances to choose from. Luckily, we had chatted to Lily the previous evening, and she advised us to head to main entrance no. 2.
a bright misty view over the upper lakes of plitvice in croatia against a backdrop of lush green trees
Mist Across the water

Entrance 2 is often quieter than entrance 1 so, therefore slightly easier to park and to obtain your ticket. This was also good advice as we wanted to explore the upper and lower lakes of Plitvice National Park, and from here, we could catch the shuttle bus.

Essentially once you have parked at entrance 2 and donned your comfy shoes, purchase your Plitvice Lakes ticket and head towards the National Park’s panorama train/shuttle bus at St2.

A wooden path running through the lush green landscape of the upper lakes of plitvice lakes in croatia
The wooden paths through the upper Plitvice Lakes
Catch the panorama train to St3, which takes you to the upper lakes. Hop off at the top, and this is where the fun begins. By starting at the top of Plitvice Lakes, you are gradually walking down through the lakes and waterfalls rather than making it harder for yourself and ascending through the National Park.

Just to let you know

We were visited in mid-September, and it was a lot quieter than in July & August. We were informed that there was also a ticket office by the bus pick-up point at St2, so this is worth bearing in mind during the busier months.

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First Impressions of Plitvice Lakes

Serene and atmospheric
We arrived at the upper Prošćansko Lake at about 9am. Although there was a very heavy mist in the air, and it was drizzly, the landscape was spectacular. We’d let the rest of the people on the shuttle bus walk on ahead, so we were alone in the eerie, serene atmosphere; it was such a memorable experience.
A damp path, constructed of wooden planks, skirts the end of one of Plitvice's many lakes, framed by a tree-covered hill. A mist hangs over the lake and clings to the hillside.
An eerie mist hangs over the upper lake

Already we were very thankful that we’d packed our waterproof coats and walking shoes. The bizarre and unique microclimate of Plitvice Lakes certainly wasn’t diminishing our enthusiasm,

As we stepped onto the first wooden elevated boardwalk, we were slightly sceptical that the surface would be slippery; actually it wasn’t, but caution is needed. With the breath-taking beauty of the surrounding landscape, it's easy to be distracted.

a view of the back of janis in her red jack wolfskin jacket on a wooden path videoing a waterfall in plitvice lakes, croatia
In video mode
A small waterfall in the wooded landscape of plitvice lakes, an UNESCO site in croatia
A smaller waterfal in Plitvice
We hadn’t walked far, and I feared that Gary’s camera was going into meltdown; he had taken so many photos the camera was shifting into overdrive.

Our little bit of practical advice when visiting Plitvice Lakes National Park is based on a September visit.

Parking facilities were good & charged by the hour
Take water
Refreshments only appear to be at 4 points across the park
Limited toilets
Weatherproof coat or poncho
Wear decent shoes - the surfaces range from wooden walkways to gravel trails, and sandy paths.
Bus & boat trips are included in the price.
Thinking of a tripod for your camera - don't. There's literally nowhere suitable to set it up.
Arrive at entrance 2, catch the bus to St3, then you’ll be descending most of the way, until the final climb back to St1.

Exploring the upper lakes at Plitvice

Ambling the snaking boardwalks
The stroll through the upper reaches of Plitvice Lakes is beautiful; the landscape is incredibly verdant and lush.
a view of the lush green landscape, with fallen tree trunks in the clear aqua-green waters of plitvice lakes in croatia
The opal waters of Plitvice Lakes
With every twist and turn through the woodland, you discover another striking scene, meandering streams and rolling rivers, an expanse of opal blue lakes or a gushing waterfall emerging through rocky crevices.
An opal green pool fed my many small waterfalls flowing through lush green vegetation in the plitvice lakes national park in croatia
The many pools
We have a feeling that the weather today has reduced the crowds, on a warm day in the height of the season, progress through the enchanting Plitvice Lakes could be much slower.
small waterfalls flowing into an opal green pool surrounded by lush green vegetation in the plitvice lakes national park in croatia
Opal Pools
However, today it's not so challenging to pass the slower groups. But, hey, there’s no rush; take time to appreciate the natural wonders around you.
A long exposure of a small waterfall in the plitvice lakes national park in croatia
Up close to one of the many falls
Janis standing in front of a rustic wooden fence in front of a waterfall in the plitvice lakes national park in croatia
well prepared
When we first started wandering along the raised wooden walkways and trails through Plitvice Lakes, we noticed that there weren’t any handrails, which wasn’t an issue for us. However, as you amble further, you truly appreciate that they are not there. It allows you to become immersed in the environment with unobscured views.
Janis looking back at the camera before taking a small wooden pathway through the plitvice lakes national park in croatia
Leading the way
It's easy to see why Plitvice Lakes National Park has maintained its UNESCO World Heritage status since 1979.

If you've yet to discover the delights of Croatia you're in for a treat. While planning our road trip, I used the DK Eyewitness books.  I find them extremely informative, easy to follow and the pictures and maps tempt you into discovering more.

We used a previous version of this book to plan our north to south Croatian road trip, now you can grab the revised copy.

Plitvice Lakes electric boat ride

Relax and hop aboard!
As we’ve been steadily sauntering through Plitvice, we have gradually been descending through the park, passing the 12 picturesque upper lakes and we then arrive back at P2. Well, it’s now time for us to discover the lower lakes at Plitvice.
Small, basic ferry boats transporting people from one side to the other of one of the plitvice lakes in croatia
The short boat journey
To explore the lower lakes, we’re going to hop aboard one of the park's electric boats and cross the Kozjak Lake to P3. The relaxing boat journey takes a little over 10 minutes. We disembark and now continue to discover more of the stunning landscape.
A small ferry boat meandering through the lush green landscape of plitvice lakes in croatia
Boating across the lake
We had noticed that the crowds were beginning to increase from the visitors that had started at St1. We were pleased we had started earlier from the top of Plitvice Lakes.

Pit Stop info

Here’s the chance to get fed and watered, take a nature break or just gather yourself for the next hike. The amenities at Plitvice Lakes are few and far between.

Deviating from the planned route

We went a little off course
We were following one of the routes which were signposted in Plitvice Park, and by mistake, we failed to keep to Lily's advice. We picked up one of the trails which headed towards St1 and led you in the direction of the Big Waterfall.
A meandering stream leading through the lush green landscape of plitvice lakes in croatia
Meandering water
In hindsight, this route wasn’t entirely wrong, as we were following a self-guided track. And with the spectacular scenery and the stunning vast clear blue lakes, there wasn’t anything about Plitvice that you couldn’t love.
So many falls
The gushing, hypnotic waterfalls were a pleasure to observe; I could sit and watch them for hours.
water flowing over a series of shallow drops leading to one of the plitvice lakes in croatia
Floating across the water

More from our Croatian Road Trip

Visiting Plitvice Bat Cave

To go, or not to go
Failing to follow Lily's advice leads to another error on our part. We should have ignored the signs of the bat caves (it seemed intriguing at the time), but it was steep and slippery and turned out unnecessary.
A view out of the entrance of the bat cave to the footpaths around plitvice lakes in croatia
Inside the Bat Cave
The climb leads you to a high path that heads one way towards St1, and the exit or the other direction leads to the Big Waterfall. However, you will need to walk back down into the park to visit the Bis Waterfall.
A view across the ravine to the Veliki Slap waterfall at the plitvice lakes national park in croatia
The Veliki Slap waterfall
Little did we know we would be heading back along this path a little later after visiting Veliki Slap, the Big Waterfall.

So, our advice

It is to stay low until you have seen the Big Waterfall and follow the easier (I said easier, not easy) meandering path that leads to the top before heading back to St1.

Bird’s eye view of Plitvice Lakes

The snaking boardwalks
Once you’ve climbed to the upper section of the Lower Lakes, the vista from high above is magnificent. You experience the aerial view of the meandering boardwalks below, snaking their way above the opal lakes and how they intertwine with each other.
Looking down on numerous pools, nestled in chalk ravine, linked by walkways, as they flow down the valley creating multiple waterfalls.
Upon high
Take time to appreciate the landscape all around Plitvice Lakes; Croatia truly is a beautiful country.
Looking down on a couple of pools, nestled in chalk ravine, with a wooden walkway between them, as the water flows down the valley creating a waterfall.
Looking down on the walkway

Where to stay in Plitvice Lakes

Grand Lakes Rooms
Our accommodation for the two nights at Plitvice was in Jezerce at the Grand Lakes Rooms. Its location for the Plitvice Lakes was fantastic, only 4.5 miles (7km) from the park entrance. Our room was superb, and the ample parking was free.

A full day in Plitvice

Our feet were now aching
Our Plitvice Lakes adventure was coming to an end, so we wend our way back up to St1. From there, we jumped on the shuttle bus to take us back to St2.
A look down the ravine with numerous pools at plitvice lakes national park in croatia
Looking down the valley
After a full day of exploring Plitvice, we had covered around 8/9 miles of incredible landscape across the mixed terrain, and our legs were felt it. But hey, who cares? At the end of the day, we had experienced a stunning natural wonder of the world.
Numerous pools between a revine at plitvice lakes national park in croatia
Calm waters

Visiting Rastoke waterfalls

Easily accessible

A final piece of advice if you are longing to see Croatia’s breath-taking waterfalls and long walks and uneven surfaces are not for you, then we highly recommend a trip to Rastoke to admire their waterfalls.

Rastoke is about 20 miles (32km) from Plitvice Lakes National Park and has metered car parking nearby.

Water flowing over rocks against the lush green background of Rastoke in Croatia
The flowing falls of Rastoke
We met a British couple at Rastoke that couldn’t manage the hike through Plitvice, so they were thrilled that there was a more accessible smaller option.
A river flowing over rocks, feeding a waterfall, surrounded by a lush green background in rastoke, croatia
A steady stream at Rastoke
For further advice on visiting Croatia, head to the official tourism website Croatia – Full of Life.

Our video of Plitvice Lakes

We have created a little YouTube video of Plitvice Lakes.  Why not take a look?

Also, why not subscribe to our YouTube channel and get the latest clips as we post them?

Have You?

Visited Plitvice National Park or Rastoke, do you have any useful tips you’d like to share?

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    1. Thanks Kyle, it’s an amazing place. There were very few people at the top of the lakes when we arrived, so we let them pass through, and for a short time we were there on our own, which made it even more serene.Thanks for the commentJanis & Gary

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